Fence Line Espresso Blend Whole Bean Coffee

from $22.00
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Fence Line Espresso Blend is Farm Loop Coffee's first widely offered espresso blend crafted for a smooth, syrupy, and balanced experience. Fence Line is a blend of a Costa Rica honey processed coffee (see current Costa Rica honey offering for more information), and an organic Peru washed processed coffee. Fence Line is a medium roast that will deliver ideal body and chocolate-y sweetness without the bitterness. See below for more information on the Peru.

Peru Minca Organic

Origin: Junin, Peru
Variety: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Pache, Catimor
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1200-1750 MASL
Tasting Notes: Blueberry, Melon, Raisin
Body: Light
Recommended Brew Methods: Pour over and other filter brews

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