Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Adorsi Whole Bean Coffee

from $22.00
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Region: Aricha Woreda, Yirgacheffe Kebele, Gedeo Zone, SNNPR
Farmer/Grower: More than 800 smallholder farmers
Washing Station: Adorsi Washing Station
Varietal: Kerume
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1900-2150 MASL
Tasting Notes: White Grape, Strawberry, Peach
Body: Medium
Recommended Brew Methods: Filter Brew, Cold Brew

The Adorsi washing station is owned and operated by the Yonis family. Here, 800 smallholder family farmers that surround the Aricha village deliver freshly picked coffee cherries to the washing station located in the Yirgacheffe district - which is recognized for growing very high quality coffees in fertile, rich soils.

Once the cherries arrive at the washing station, they are immersed in water to remove any floaters. The cherries are then soaked in water for 12 hours to help initiate the sugar reaction inside the cherry, resulting in a sweet honey-like taste in the coffee. Once the cherries are soaked, they are removed from the water and laid out to dry on raised beds. The cherries dry for 28 days, a slower drying process, to ensure even drying.

Although this coffee does not hold an organic certification, it is grown using organic practices. Due to the cost of synthetic inputs, the smallholder farmers grow organic out of necessity - as they are not able to afford those inputs.

As our next natural process coffee, this one slaps. Roasted on the lighter end to bring out the fruity notes, this coffee has notes of white grape, strawberry, and peach. It is balanced out with a medium body, but not enough to take away from the fruity highlights in this coffee.

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