Pour Over Using Kalita Wave
Keep in mind things you can adjust:
Water-to-Coffee ratio
Grind size
Water temp
Pouring method
If you’re looking to upgrade your scale or kettle, we recommend this scale and kettle.
Heat water to 205F. If boiling water, bring to boil then let sit for a couple minutes before brewing.
Set up cone with filter on top of mug and pour some water through to rinse the filter. This helps get any papery flavors outta there. Dump rinse water before brewing.
Weigh 17g of coffee and grind at a medium-fine (I do 4.25 out of 11 on my grinder).
Put ground coffee in cone setup and tare scale.
In a circular motion, wetting all grounds, pour about 35g of water in. Let bloom for about 20 seconds.
Make another pour in circular motion with even more water (100-125g). I like to always circle back to the center.
As water-coffee level goes down and you start to see it crater a bit, that’s usually when I pour more water in. Continue making pours until you reach 275g weight.
Your pour over is complete! Enjoy!
*If you don’t have a scale, my end cup is about 9oz and I would start with 2 full tablespoons of coffee*