Wet the filter and drain water.
Weigh 34 grams coffee and grind to about a 5 (out of 11 on our grinder) so something medium-ish.
Add coffee and tare.
First pour in double the amount of water as you had coffee for the bloom. That would be 68-ish grams of water.
Let bloom. I usually wait until i see bubbles coming up through and breaking. Should be about 45 seconds.
Keep pouring in circular motions, moving in/out from the center. Each pour can be anywhere from 100-150 grams. I usually wait until I start to see a crater form in the center before I make another pour.
Pour until you hit 550 grams of water!
**The biggest hurdle we come across when brewing Chemex is altering grind size appropriately. I increase the grind size one tick on our grinder if I’m brewing a light roast coffee that has chaff in the creases, or if you want to increase the overall amount of coffee you’re brewing**